GOOD NEWS!!! No more sneaking to get on Facebook while you’re at work! Reports are surfacing that Facebook is testing a product called Facebook at Work, designed to let people, use Facebook at work, duh! According to anonymous sources speaking with The Financial Times, the new offering from FB would be completely separate from Facebook’s consumer product. […]

Just another reason to use discretion when posting to Facebook. Some employers have started asking their employees for the passwords to their Facebook accounts. The practice caught the eye of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) when the Maryland Department of Corrections (DOC) asked applicants to log into their profiles and click through private messages, […]


In 2011 people have altered there reality. The reality of “Being Real”. We look at “Reality TV” Characters to tell us how to act or not to, we Look to American Idol to tell us who is supposed to be the next big thing and we look to social networks like Facebook to determine how […]

People always talk about how much cell phones and Facebook have ruined society’s ability to talk to each other face to face, and  generally I have scoffed at the suggestion. I mean, I still spend the majority of my waking hours talking to real people, and don’t rely on Facebook to keep me in touch […]


CHEATERS BEWARE OF SOCIAL DECETIVE FACEBOOK!!!! Facebook is becoming the new source for catching cheating mates.... <!--more-->