A federal court orders Cleveland, Mississippi to desegregate its secondary schools. The judge approved a Justice Department plan to consolidate the middle and high schools.

A Mississippi school district remains successfully integrated since the 1970s. Clinton, Mississippi has one school organized by grade level.

NY state lawmakers have a plan to diversify NYC's elite public high schools. The city has long sought a way to bring Blacks and Hispanics into the schools.

A Missouri school integration law prevents a Black student from attending his school. The third-grader's mother has launched a petition to change the law.

Some school districts are pursuing classroom racial diversity through socioeconomic integration strategy. Studies say diversity narrows the academic achievement gap.

53 years ago, most of the world was viewed in black and white. Much of the nation was against the integration of schools. Then, an innocent little black girl who thought the yelling and throwing of objects was just a part of a Mardi Gras celebration walked alongside four U.S. Federal Marshals as they escorted […]