
Quick and easy tips to help you reach your fitness goals in the New Year.

If you’re tired of making big plans to get fit in January only to meet big disappointments come March, then let me tell you one…

It’s time to start thinking about how you’re going to spend 2014. Many of you started making your list of resolutions and are planning to sticking to them…. (this year). The only problem is, right around mid January, things fall apart and you give up on all your resolutions. Here’s five reasons to give up on […]

Has “I want to get in shape,” or “I want to lose weight,” been your New Year’s resolution for the last (fill in the blank)…

It’s almost that time to ring in the New Year. A time honored tradition is to set a list of goals and resolutions for the…

This Year Will Be Different. We’re half way through January and some of our New Year’s Resolutions have yet to see the light of 2012.…