@kwellscomm #AccessIndy Our resident “Legal Eagles” spent some time with me on “Access Indy with Kim Wells” Sunday to go Behind The Headlines on the justice system headlines that have gripped our nation.  From an immigration ban targeting Muslims and put into effect by the stroke of a president’s pen -to- all of the fall out around the […]

 Our “Legal Eagles” stopped by “Access Indy” Sunday to go Behind The Headlines on the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and the fallout; the alleged sexual assault by Peyton Manning on an athletic trainer years ago; when relatives kill for money as was the case with a double murder in Zionsville where the alleged […]

We’re going behind the headlines for a look on the legal side with our “Legal Eagles” on this week’s Access Indy. It’s official. Life has changed for former Subway pitchman Jared Fogle. It’s no longer about hocking sandwiches and dumping the pounds to get to a healthier lifestyle. ‘That guy’ has faded and been replaced […]