Dear Republicans: I know that in your mind, Benghazi is all the rage out here on these streets, or at the very least, ought to…

Pseudo-GOP intellectual, faux budget hawk, and failed 2012 vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI, pictured), performed a paean during his appearance on this week’s edition of NBC’s…

When a man gets provoked and reacts, society says he’s still a man. But because I have breasts and a portal for which life travels…


A recent USA Today/Gallup poll conducted in December has yielded results that should please supporters of both President Barack Obama (pictured right) and Secretary Of State…

The votes were barely in and the celebratory confetti barely dropped on President Barack Obama for his impressive re-election victory last Tuesday night before politicians, prognosticators, and the voting public turned their attention to the 2016 presidential election. Obama’s second and final term means a jump ball for the White House in 2016, and there […]


If you need an example of “taking one for the team,” read no further than the story below. Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, has…

Election 2012

Ever since she went from the inevitable to the oh, better luck next time, Hillary Clinton’s more ardent fans have been pushing for her to…

Former President Bill Clinton reportedly made more than $75 million in speaking engagements in the last decade, according to an analysis of financial disclosure filed by his wife, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. In the year 2010, Clinton earned $10.7 million dollars for 52 speaking engagements, and reportedly earned an additional $15 million advancement for […]

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced a private partnership with the MAC cosmetics company that will expand medical and emergency support services for rape survivors in South Africa, where over 3 million people live with HIV/AIDS. Black Voices reports: Clinton and the cosmetics company pledged the commitment of $2 million to diminish the AIDS epidemic […]

A Hasidic newspaper based out of Brooklyn is coming under fire on the ‘net for replacing Hillary Clinton in the now famed situation room Osama killing photo. The paper, Der Zeitung, also scrubbed National Security Team member Audrey Tomason from the photo leaving it all male. The caption on the official White House image explicitly […]

An Obama-Clinton ticket could be in the cards in 2012, Pulitzer Prize-winning political reporter Bob Woodward said Tuesday.

There’s been a lot of talk about the promo videos circulating of singer Mary J. Blige belting out her soul to presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. In the video, R&B powerhouse MJB sung a part of Bruce Springsteen’s ‘American Skin‘ to voice her concern over the recent police brutality seen in the media. Spectators had a […]