Let’s talk about the serious subject of HIV/AIDS in our community, and especially what is happening on HBCU campuses. According to the Centers for Disease…

Check his ring finger. It may seem obvious, but this is the first thing you should do to determine if a man is single. Look for a ring or the tan line from a ring. That’s a dead giveaway if he removed his wedding band. Assess the situation. If he appears to be out with […]

Every night is reality TV night on not just the Big Four networks, but nearly every cable outlet, and some of them are not getting…

Identify your needs before approaching your partner. Thinking through your requests will help you present them in clear terms. Be direct. Don’t assume your partner knows your needs. Not only do men appreciate straightforward communication, but being direct is a healthy approach to resolving any issues. Discuss one issue at a time. Stick to one […]

Acknowledge the emotional differences between men and women. While women want to be listened to and be given massive displays of affection and love, men need to know you need them for things in your life. They like to feel like your hero and want to be your hero when any problems come up. Request […]

On October 3, 1992, after a three year courtship, President Barack Obama and Michelle Robinson were pronounced man and wife by Reverend Jeremiah A. Wright…

(blackmediaSCOOP) It’s about time lol! Author and spiritual life coach Iyanla Vanzant is getting a reality show on the Oprah Winfrey Network aka OWN. The project has reportedly been in development for some time, but Vanzant posted an invitation on her Facebook page Monday to a sneak peek of her preparing for and taping “Iyanla, […]

By Paige Greenfield It’s true: Certain foods have a very high thermogenic effect, so you literally scorch calories as you chew. Other eats contain nutrients and compounds that stoke your metabolic fire. Feed your metabolism with these. Whole grains Your body burns twice as many calories breaking down whole foods (especially those rich in fiber […]

love Target but this just wasn’t cool! Whitney Houston jokes are not a good look right now and the folks over at Target finally realized it. They’ve decided to pull a greeting card from their shelves that mocks the late singing icon. The card, seen below, has been available for years and pokes fun at […]

This Black History Month, we honor the GAME CHANGERS: Everyday heroes whose actions make life better for the people around them. SEE ALL OUR GAME…

Comedians Chris Spancer, Sinbad and Buddy Lewis joined Roland Martin on Washington Watch for the second part of the Hollywood Edition’s comedians panel.

A source close to the Houston family told E! News that the death of Whitney Houston my well be declared accidental. The source also mentioned that there were no marks on Whitney’s body to indicate a struggle, nor were there any other signs of foul play found at the scene. of course many of Whitney […]