Promotional Content

  Dear God: Please remove all lies, deceit and subterfuge from our lives. Order our steps that we may live in truth. What lies do…

Since the NBA is in its off season, NBA veteran Kevin Garnett should be worried about staying ready for next season. However, Garnett is involved…

‘I’ve only slept with two men’ More like four. Most women can spout off their past partners’ names as quickly as you can your fantasy-league…

  Just when we thought DMX was on the right track to getting himself together, this happens. DMX’s bankruptcy case may be in jeopardy because…

From thanking your grandmother profusely for an awkward gift to telling a work friend that her less-than-sparkling presentation was fantastic, most of us fib, stretch the truth, tell white lies and omit facts from time to time. In fact, studies published over the past five years have shown that the average person lies one to three times a […]


These are the top 10 biggest lies men tell women. Ladies have you heard these before? Men, have you ever used these? <!--more-->